Warrior Course 2023 held in Callao

"On Saturday, September 9, 2023, Power In Me Conference, a regional ministry based out of Callao, MO, hosted the 4th Annual Warrior Course North of Bevier, MO. This is a challenging 1.25 mile obstacle course, for everyone, typically ages 5 & up and is the only one of its kind in at least all of Northern Missouri. This year, the event hosted 48 competitors and over 40 chaperones and volunteers. The event began at 9 a.m. with registration followed by a welcome from Clarence First Christian Church Youth Minister Jonathan Stucki. Following, Dave Kelchner of New Covenant Church of Christ and U.S. Veteran, brought a memorial of September 11, 2001 and warriors who've served to secure freedom for America. Veterans and active duty service members were recognized and thanked. Then, Chad Stearman of Cornerstone Church in Kirksville brought a message of the Gospel good news. Then it was time for the gals to run the obstacle course, while the guys received a health and wellness message from Pastor Eldon Kohn of Macon Lutheran Church. When the gals had finished the course they heard a health and wellness message from Becky Lane of Iowa. Then, the guys began the course. At the end of the course, for every Finisher, there were volunteers cheering them on at the finish line. Each finisher received a locally crafted, wooden commemorative sword with verse engraving.
And the entire group celebrated a successful day with a full catered meal and door prizes from many regional businesses. The 2024 Warrior Course has tentatively been set for Saturday, September 7th, 2024. For more information and to see more photos of the event, visit www.powerinmeconference.com
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