Governor Parson Takes Action on All Remaining Legislation Passed During 2023 Legislative Session

July 07, 2023

Governor Parson Takes Action on All Remaining Legislation Passed During 2023 Legislative Session

(JEFFERSON CITY, MO) – Today, Governor Mike Parson signed 31 pieces of legislation into law and vetoed one legislative bill, Senate Bill (SB) 189, passed by the Missouri General Assembly. With this action, Governor Parson has signed or vetoed all legislation approved during the 2023 Legislative Session.

"Today, we took action to close out all remaining bills from the 2023 session, and we appreciate all the Senators and Representatives who worked tirelessly, on behalf of their constituents, to get this legislation across the finish line," Governor Parson said. "These bills we are signing today ensure a safer, stronger, and more efficient Missouri, and we hope to celebrate these accomplishments with legislators and Missourians soon."

Signed Legislation:

Senate Concurrent Resolution (SCR) 7 - America 250 Missouri Commission

SB 20 - modifies provisions related to retirement

SB 24 - creates new provisions relating to vulnerable persons

SB 28 - modifies provisions relating to access to public records of the Missouri State Highway Patrol

SB 34 - allows Missouri school districts and charter schools to offer elective social studies courses on Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament

SB 35 - modifies provisions relating to child custody and child support enforcement

SB 40 - modifies provisions relating to background check requirements for employment in certain fields

SB 45 - modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 63 - creates new provisions relating to financial institutions

SB 70 - modifies license reciprocity provisions and adopts the Counseling Interstate Compact for professional counselors

SB 75 - modifies provisions relating to retirement systems

SB 94 - establishes tax credits for the production of certain entertainment
SB 101 - enacts provisions relating to property and casualty insurance

SB 103 - modifies judicial proceedings

SB 106 - modifies provisions relating to public health

SB 109 - modifies provisions relating to mining

SB 116 - modifies provisions relating to the disposition of the dead

SB 127 - enacts state designations marked by the Missouri Department of Transportation

SB 138 - modifies and creates new provisions relating to agriculture

SB 139 - enacts provisions relating to state designations

SB 157 - modifies provisions relating to professions requiring licensure

SB 186 - modifies provisions relating to public safety

SB 190 - modifies provisions relating to tax relief for seniors

SB 227 - modifies provisions relating to the culpable mental state necessary for a homicide offense

SB 398 - enacts provisions relating to motor vehicles

House Bill (HB) 115 - modifies provisions relating to licensing of health care professionals

HB 202 - modifies provisions relating to environmental regulation

HB 402 - modifies provisions relating to health care

HB 417 - provides incentives for certain individuals to obtain employment-related skills

HB 447 - modifies the duties of the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

HB 802 - authorizes the conveyance of certain state property

NOTE: Governor Parson is planning certain ceremonial bill signings with bill sponsors and stakeholders as schedules allow. Information will be shared as it is confirmed.

Vetoed Legislation:

SB 189 - relating to public safety

Governor Parson is vetoing SB 189 due to the following provisions included in the bill:

Section 610.140 - could allow criminals convicted of sexual offenses, including sexual exploitation of a minor or the promotion of child pornography, to have their records expunged and be removed from the sex offender registry. The provisions also include changes to how expungement requests are evaluated but fails to detail specific standards of proof for the court to consider.

Section 650.058 - expands the qualifications for restitution from those who are exonerated based on DNA evidence to those who were later determined to be innocent through a habeas corpus proceeding and those whose convictions are set aside per a prosecutor’s motion to vacate the judgment. The change also increases the restitution amount by more than 75 percent for eligible individuals.

This provision requires the State to pay the expanded and increased restitution requirements; however, Governor Parson does not believe every taxpayer across the State should be responsible for prosecutorial errors made at the local level.

"SB 189 contains many public safety measures that we support and would like to sign into law, including Blair's Law, Max's Law, increased penalties for violent repeat offenders and gun crimes, and strengthening the public defender system," Governor Parson said. "However, in this case, these unintended consequences unfortunately outweigh the good. Missourians know I am a law and order Governor and that improving public safety is a cornerstone of our administration, but I cannot sign this bill with these provisions as they are currently written."