Here is what is happening at the Macon County Health Department the week of August 15th –

1. WIC certifications and reloading of benefits. WIC is a supplemental nutrition program that uses an eWIC card to help you purchase supplemental food during high periods of growth such as infancy, childhood, and pregnancy.
2. Back-to-School Immunizations – school is starting right around the corner, so make sure your child has the necessary vaccinations to start school and stay healthy from preventable diseases. Attached is a back-to-school immunization schedule and our knowledgeable nurses can chat if you have questions regarding any childhood vaccine.
3. COVID-19 vaccinations on Thursday, August 18th by appointment. COVID-19 vaccines have been approved for ages 6 months and up; the Macon County Health Department carries vaccine for all age groups. We also have booster vaccines to help ensure you are up-to-date.
a. We have started carrying the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine – which is a protein vaccine made from the proteins of the virus that causes COVID-19. This is approved for ages 18 and up for initial COVID-19 vaccinations, and requires 2 doses given 3-8 weeks apart.
4. Clinical Services – we offer free blood pressure screenings as needed, allergy injections, low-cost blood draws (or can bill to insurance), pregnancy testing, STD testing and more!
5. IdentoGO services – we offering IdentoGO finger printing at our office, which is required for some employment. You must register online ahead of time!.
If you have any questions, concerns or have a question for our knowledgeable nurses, give us a call at 660-395-4711, walk in, or visit our website.
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