Covid Update-During the week of March 16- March 22

During the week of March 16- March 22, we tracked 4 new cases of COVID-19, compared to 32 last week, 4 the week before, and 11 the week before. There were 0 new residents hospitalized this week. Of these 4 new cases, 4 were vaccinated and 0 were reinfections. Of the last 2,220 cases, 1,681 were not vaccinated.
Of the 4 new positive cases, 1 in their 20’s; 1 in their 50’s; and 2 were 90 and over. New cases were located in Macon (4 cases).
Reported cases only include laboratory confirmed cases, it does not include home tests. It is still encouraged to continue to use mitigation measures to protect yourself and others from COVID-19 such as wear a well-fitting mask around others, staying home when sick, avoiding crowded indoor spaces and ventilate the air when possible. The best protection against severe illness and hospitalization due to COVID-19 is vaccination. Macon County Health Department offers a weekly COVID-19 clinics for initial, second and booster doses for Pfizer (ages 12 and up) and Moderna (ages 18 and up). We offer J&J vaccinations by request throughout the week. Our nurses are knowledgeable and can answer any questions or concerns. Samaritan Hospital has pediatric vaccine for 5-11-year-old children.
The following reflects COVID-19 in Macon County as of the end of the day on March 22, 2022 –
4 new cases
0 new hospitalizations
34 deaths plus 19 probable deaths listed by DHSS (antigen tested)
3,796 total cases since March 2020
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