Macon R-1 School District to be closed for the remainder of regular School Year
April 2, 2020
Dear parents, Students, Staff and Community Members, Upon consulting with several local and state agencies and the federal guidance on social distancing, the Macon County R-1 School District has decided to cancel school for the remainder of the regular school year. It is our belief that this action will help limit and slow down the spread of the COVID-19 virus in our community.
This was not a decision taken lightly and we feel it is the right thing to do in order to protect the safety of our students, staff and community. Macon County R-1 School District will continue to provide our students with enrichment activities and our staff will be available through e-mail to answer questions students or parents may have related to these enrichment activities. The activities are solely meant to keep students engaged in learning activities and will not be graded. Students are encouraged to complete these assignments. The purpose of these activities is to reinforce learning while school is not in session.
We will continue to serve meals during this time of school closure. Starting April 6, we will provide meals on Mondays and Thursdays. On each of these days, there will be enough food for three days. We will ask parents to come to the front of the school and pick up the meals.
The Macon County R-1 School District campus will be closed during this period of school closure. There will be NO practices, meetings or competitive events taking place on the campus until the social distancing guidelines are changed. As the guidelines change and there are opportunities to have traditional events such as kindergarten graduation and senior graduation we will set dates and inform the community. These events may take place sometime this summer if guidelines allow us to do so.
The administrative team has been meeting and discussing all of our options for handling grades that have been effected by the school being closed. A plan will be put in place to be shared with the Board of Education. Once our plans are approved, we will share the information with students and parents. Two months ago, no one would have expected this to happen and so much of it is out of our control. Thank you for your patience during these trying times.
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