The Friends of the Library Provided Support for the Macon Public Library

July 30, 2019

The Friends of the Macon Public Library (FOL) was established to support the Macon Public Library and its patrons in a variety of ways. Membership in FOL continues to grow. Patrons and member continue to support the library’s needs by FOL’s many fundraiser and membership drives. While the exact years Friends of Macon Public Library was established in undocumented, a reorganization was implemented in 1994 and again in 2015.

In the past, FOL has shared the cost of the book drop box with the library. Shelving in the children’s room, magazine and newspaper shelving, and shelving for books for the annual book sales has been purchased or shared with the library. The rug in the children’s room and the rocker are FOL donated. Due to the growing membership, profitable fund raisers and the annual book sales, FOL has been able to contribute to or sponsor the following: purchased Award Winner books for young readers, contributed to or sponsor the following: purchased an informational monitor/screen for library news and programs, and purchased a yearly historical book series for fourth to six graders. FOL has also purchased books, e-books, and audio books for the library, children’s books and books for a local book club. FOL takes pride in being able to offer financial assistance, with yearly library membership fees, for out of city limits, low-income families.

The 2019-2020 FOL project is to place six community book boxes out in the city and county. Book boxes will be placed in Atlanta, Bevier, Callao, and at the Jackson Street Park in Macon, Long Branch State Park and the Macon County Fairgrounds. The book boxes will be stocked by FOL volunteers with a selection of donated used books. People will be encouraged to “take a book and leave a book.” FOL’s goal is to make books more accessible to readers in the community.

FOL also offers a scholarship to individuals who are interested in pursuing or furthering a degree in the field of library science. FOL is currently assisting a school librarian in her pursuit for National Board Certification.

The annual FOL book sale is held in mid-September of each year with all proceeds earmarked for the library. This is quite a project, and FOL is always looking for willing volunteers to help sort, set up, and work the sale. Books are donated to FOL by patrons and members of the community throughout the year. Community and patron support is vital to the success of the book sale and all donations are greatly appreciated. Books are also available for purchase year around.

Anyone who would like to become a member can sign up at the library. Yearly fees are $10.00 with the extra perk that gives members the early bird admittance the evening before the fall book sale. FOL meets bi-monthly on the third Tuesday of a month at 6:30 at the library. FOL membership has grown in the past few years, and the organization looks forward to many more years of working together to provide support for the Macon Public Library and its patrons.